1. “The operation of the institution of the Clergy-Laity Assemblies in the Church of America during the period of Archbishop of America Athenagoras”, in International Conference Athenagoras and Oikoumeni: 70 years since the election of the Patriarch Athenagoras at the Ecumenical Throne and since the establishment of the WCC, Faculty of Theology AUTH, (Thessalonica,19-20/4/2018).
  2. “The Church and Hellenism in the New World until the election of Michael to the throne of the Archdiocese of America”, in Archbishop of America Michael (Konstantinidis): His contribution to the Church, the Nation and Hellenism, Department of Ecclesiastical History, Christian Literature, Archeology and Art, School of Theology, Faculty of Theology AUTH, Holy Theological School of Halki, (Halki–Turkey, 1-2/9/2017).
  3. “The Church of Constantinople and the East Illyricum”, in the course of the Lifelong Learning Program: Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Balkan Area: History–Church Tradition, of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, (Thessalonica, 27/5/2017).
  4. “Saint Athanasius the Athonite and the foundation of the Great Lavra”, in the XVI International Congress of Studies on the Culture and Spirituality of Mount Athos, Mount Athos and the foundation of the first monasteries,( Rome – Italy, 13/5/2017).
  5. “Thessalonica: Starting from the beginning: The city and the school”, in Cities want to live, History and future in the Mediterranean, Community of San Egidio –Municipality of Livorno, (Livorno – Italy, 17-18-3/2017).
  6. “History and Orthodoxy”, in Methodological Criteria and Ecclesiastical Consciousness in treating Crisis, Studium Historicorum Ecclesiasticorum, (Monastery of the Holy Prodromos of Acritochori, Serres, 28-31/10/2016).
  7. “The Ecumenical Patriarchate and its provinces in the Diaspora”, in the course of the Lifelong Learning Program: The Ecumenical Patriarchate: History – Law –Worship, of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, (Thessalonica, 4/6/2016).
  8. “Thessalonica: City wall or city port?”, in Cities want to live, Community of Sant'Egidio –Municipality of Livorno – Region of Tuscany (Livorno, May 2015).
  9. “Pope of Rome Leo I and his attitude against political power”, in the International Scientific Congress, Pope Leo I as a bridge of dialogue between the East and the West, Department of Ecclesiastical History, Christian Literature, Archeology and Art, School of Theology AUTH, Institute for Ecumenical Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Patristics, Faculty of Catholic Theology University of Graz (Thessalonica, 20-21/4/2015).
  10. “Hellenism’s contribution to Russia during the Ottoman period”, in Relations between Russia and Hellenism during the Ottoman occupation, School of Pastoral and Social Theology–University of St. Tychon of Moscow, Ionian University (Thessalonica, 19/2/2015).
  11. “Kosmas, Metropolitan of Veria 1860-1901)”, in School of Byzantine Chant“ Kosmas Maditinos”, 20th Pauline Conference, Holy Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Campania (Veria, 13/6/2014).
  12. “The personality of the Patriarch Samuel”, in The Patriarch Samuel Chatzeris and Greek education in Constantinople (18th–20th centuries), Ecumenical Patriarchate, Community of Neochorion (Constantinople – Turkey, 7/6/2014).
  13. “The Councils of the 4th – 5th centuries and the position of the Patriarchates”, in International Conference, The patriarcha linstitution in history and today. Canonical Experience, Patriarchate of Bulgaria, University of Magna Grecia in Catanzaro, Faculty of Law- Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe- St. Dionysius Exiguus Institute (Sofia, Vidim – Bulgaria, 10-12/10/2013).
  14. “Ôhe edict of Milan in the ecclesiastical historiography”, in XXIII Spiritual May 2013, The cultural spring of Thessalonica, 32nd Book Festival (Thessalonica, 14/6/2013).
  15. “Constantine the Great in Byzantine Historiography”, in Saint-Emperor Constantine and Christianity, University of Nis – University of Harvard – IETHP (Nis – Serbia, 31/5–3/6/2013).
  16. “The participation of the representatives of the Church of Rome in the works of the Ecumenical Councils”, in International Conference, The Ecumenical Council, Municipality of Bivongi, University of Magna Grecia in Catanzaro, Faculty of Law-Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe-St. Dionysius Exiguus Institute (Bivongi, Stilo, Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria – Italy, 8-10/11/2012)  .
  17. “Settlement problems of refugees in Thessalonica”, in 2nd National Congress The Greeks of Asia Minor, 90 Years of being uprooted, Thessalonica Mother of refugees, School of Pastoral Theology – Ioniki Estia Magazine (Thessalonica, 12-13/10/2012).
  18. “The problems of the dialogue with the Orthodox Church”, in International Conference, We know and believe to love. Dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox: The contribution of Patriarch Bartholomew I. 20 years as Ecumenical Patriarch, Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, Department of St. Thomas d'Aquino (Naples – Italy,16/1/2012).
  19. “Display of journals of Imathia (Veria area), Essays, vol.2 (2010)”, in Talk about Veria in the 20th century, from 1890 to 1910, in the twilight of the Ottoman period (Veria, 30/11/2011).
  20. “Ôhe Role of the Hierarchy in the contemporary Greek State”, in International Conference, The Ministry of the Bishop in the Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarchate, Metropolis of Montenegro, University of Magna Grecia Catanzaro, Faculty of Law, Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe (Montenegro, 11-12/11/2011).
  21. “The town of Megali Panagia”, in Chalkidiki and Megali Panagia, School of Pastoral and Social Theology (Chalkidiki, 19/6/2011).
  22. “The teacher - student relationship through the example of St. Photius”, in 17th Pauline Conference on Priesthood and Spiritual Fatherhood, Holy Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Campania (Vergina, 8/6/2011).
  23. “The climate of ecumenical collaboration at the Institute of Ecumenical Theology St. Nicholas. The testimony from former scholarship”, intheInternational Conference The Contribution of Orthodox teachers to the Theological Dialogue of Catholics and Orthodox, Patriarchal Institute of Patristic Studies –Institute of Ecumenical Theology St. Nicholas, (Thessalonica,19/1/2011).
  24. “The Treaty of Lausanne and the exchange of populations according to the Greek Press”, in 11th National Conference on Hellenism in Asia Minor, 1922-Asia Minor disaster, AUTH, School of Pastoral and Social Theology, Department of History, Doctrine, Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Christian Relations, Refugee Associations Federation of Greece (Thessalonica, 26-27/11/2010).
  25. “The historical aspect of the attitude of the Church towards Zealot movements”, in The movement  of the Zealots and Christian Thessalonica in the 14th century, 24th International Symposium Christian Thessalonica, Sacred Patriarchal Monastery of Vlatadon –Municipality of Thessalonica, (Thessalonica, 21-23/10/2010).
  26. “Metropolitan provinces and dioceses of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Archdiocese of Ohrid in Italy”, in The Ecclesiastical Province: Canonical Foundations, Historical Experiences and Contemporary Practices, University of Magna Grecia Catanzaro, Faculty of Law- Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe – Romanian Orthodox Dioceses of Italy – Institute for the Study of Cassiodorus and the Middle Ages in Calabria - St. Dionysius Exiguus Institute (Catanzaro – Squillace, Bivonzi – Italy, 30/8-1/9/2010).
  27. “Themes in Ecclesiastical History”, Educational Seminar, ASEP, Theologian Competition, School of Pastoral and Social Theology, AUTH (Thessalonica, 13/12/2008).
  28. ‘’Law of the Ottoman period: A covenant of the 18th century”, in 14th Pauline Conference The spiritual culture of Veria in the world of old archives, Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Campania (Veria, 6-7/6/2008).
  29. “The historical context of Hesychasm”, in 2nd Scientific Conference on St. Gregory Palamas, Faculty of Pastoral and Social Theology, Department of History, Doctrine, Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Christian Relations (Thessalonica, 20/3/2008).
  30. “The editions of St. Dionysius’ sequences”, in Week of St. Dionysius, Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Campania – Holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist (Veria, January 2008).
  31.  “The printing of Moschopolis and its publications”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica –Moschopolis and vicinity (Thessalonica, 2-4/11/2007).
  32. “Hesychasm: The question of deification and the knowledge of God. Historical and political background”, in Theosis, Metropolis of Italy and Malta – Municipality of Bivongi (Bivongi – Italy, 2-3/11/2007).
  33. “Thessalonica and Macedonia in the work of Dositheus of Jerusalem ‘’Legal Synagoge’”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica – Jerusalem (Thessalonica,4-6/11/2006).
  34. “Historical theology, historical fable or historical reality?”, in Scientific Multi –Conference Students Festival, Ministry of Education, (Thessalonica, 11-12/08/2006).
  35. “Veria and its province during the period of the Macedonian Struggle”, in The Macedonian struggle on Mount Vermio and Veria, Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Campania – Municipality of Dovra – IETHP (Veria – Dovra Imathias, 2-4/12/2005).
  36. “The assistance of the Greek Church to the Serbian people during the civil war and the NATO attack on Yugoslavia”, in International Conference on the Hellenic and Serbian Church throughout the centuries, (Nis – Serbia, 11/6/2005).
  37. “The Paletips of the Eastern Olympus”, in The Spiritual Civilization of Olympus – Pieria-Vermio, The Unknown World of the Paletips, Municipality of Litochoro – Holy Metropolis of Kitrous and Katerini – School of Pastoral and Social Theology – Department of History, Doctrine, Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Christian Relations, (Litochoro, 24-25/2/2005).
  38. “Pages in the ecclesiastical history the Velesse community”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica – Velesse (Thessalonica, 5-7/11/2004).
  39. “The Enforcement of Uniatism in Southern Italy”, in Inter-Orthodox Theological Conference, Department of Pastoral and Social Theology –Department of Orthodox Studies, Ecumenism: Genesis – Expectations – Denials (Thessalonica, 20-24/09/2004).
  40. “The diocese of Platamon, Bibliography and Concerns”, in 3rd Conference of Pierias Studies Pieria in the Byzantine and later years (Katerini, 25-29/11/2003).
  41. “The bishops of Eastern Illyricum and their relation swith St. Cyril and the Church of Alexandria”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica – Alexandria (Thessalonica, 31/10-2/11/2003).
  42. “The interest of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the monasteries and dependencies of the Black Sea region”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica – Mount Athos – Black Sea countries (Thessalonica, 7-9December2001).
  43. “The jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Ohrid in Italy during the 16th century”, in Christian Macedonia, Thessalonica – Ohrid (Thessalonica, 1999).
  44. “Information about the city of Katerini through the Historical Archive of Macedonia”, 1st Conference on Municipality of Katerini: 70 years (Katerini, 25-27/11/1999).
  45. “Kallinikos, Patriarch of Alexandria(1800-1889)”, in 2nd Conference, Pieria, Byzantine and later years (Katerini,27-29/11/1998).
  46. “Refugee facilities on the Kassandra peninsula. Settlement of refugees in Lower Scholari”, in 5th National Congress of Historical and Folklore Society of Chalkidiki, The Greeks of Asia Minor, Pontus, Eastern Thrace and Chalkidiki (Chalkidiki, 1998).
  47. “Spiritual Culture of Olympus during the period of Turkish rule. Updates to the diocese of Platamon”, in 6th Pan-Hellenic Conference Olympusin the life of the Greeks (Elassona, September1992).
  48. “The University of AUTH program: The spiritual culture of Olympus during the period of Turkish rule”, in 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference Olympus in the life of the Greeks (Elassona, September1986).